The weather offering winds from the East on Saturday and the Sth to SW on Sunday.
Saturdays forecast max of 38 may have got close at the airport but was probably 28-30 Lakeside, making for comfortable sailing. Sunday remained overcast, keeping the temperature down to a cooler 23 - 25. Metro sailors welcoming the cooler relief from the Perth heat.
The Saturday breeze stayed pretty well in the East starting at 8-12 kts stiffening to 15-20 kts pushing Early in the afternoon when the fleet changed down to B rigs. it only stayed stiff for a couple of races. A rigs were back on at 3pm.
Sean dominated on the scoreboard with 7 1st's out of the 12 races, Glen was consistently pushing with mainly a mix of 2nd's and 1st's with Rosco being placed 3rd at the end of Saturdays sailing. The local sailors were placed 7, 8 and 9 at the end of day one, Murray hanging in there at 7th, just 1 point ahead of Greg and Colin. Colin managed to snap his fin, inadvertently sitting on his chair whilst the leg was on the fin, luckily it happened at rig change time where he had time to swap out with another compatible fin.
About to get ugly!!
Sunday dished up a 3-5 kt Southerly with periods going to the SW.
We saw Roger have a far more successful day where he stayed in A fleet all morning and resulted in a charge up the leader board to finish a credible 7th after a bad day on Saturday.
Both days dished up a lot of top mark bingles with starboard train boats being impacted by those on port. Many penalties.
Sundays sailing results panned out similarly to that of Saturday with Sean dominating, however with Rosco closing on Glen, and Roger as mentioned above.
Of the locals Colin sailed well to climb the board and finish 8th, Greg finishing 9th and Murray 10th. A good result for the locals.
The regatta was enjoyed by all, and a big thankyou to all the helpers on the day.